AGFA CR DX-S CR System DX-S is a high-throughput and fl exible digitizer which
combines two innovative and exclusive Agfa HealthCare technologies – DirectriX phosphor plate technology and Scanhead high-resolution scanning. The resulting increase in X-ray absorption and conversion effi ciencies allows a signifi cant patient dose reduction. DX-S has also been designed to bring a full range of imaging exams directly to the point-of-care in General Radiography, Paediatric and Emergency environments. The cassette-based workfl ow makes it easy to use wherever needed, thanks to trouble-free positioning, portability and fl exibility of application. DX-S interfaces with the NX workstation and DX-Si X-ray system, for an integration that ensures better workfl ow effi ciency and improved operability. Its performance exceeds anything else currently available on the CR market. |